Thursday, November 28, 2019

Ethics in Gone Baby Gone Essay Example

Ethics in Gone Baby Gone Essay The categorical imperative is something we are fundamentally required, to do irrespective of how we feel about doing it, and even if others around us are telling us to do something completely different. In other words, we must always do this. The categorical imperative is also a priority, which means it will always be, and have always been morally good. As such, we have a duty to recognize, and accept, its moral validity, and finality. This means that the categorical imperative is not good on the basis of any effects or consequences, or even because someone tells us it is good; it is simply good in itself. Immanuel Kant developed a set of ethics to guide our decisions, and help us judge whether certain actions are morally correct.  According to Kant, the morality of every action must be carefully thought out beforehand.  Thinking about all aspects of an action, or moral testing, can help to determine if an act should be performed at all. Kant introduced logical, objective methods , to serve as a basis for distinguishing between what is right and what is wrong. He holds a common theme throughout his Kantian moral philosophy, that every act should be an accurate representation of a universal maxim. In the main action of the film, â€Å"Gone Baby Gone,† Patrick discovers that Doyle is connected with the Amanda’s kidnapping. He then he goes to Doyle’s house, to find that Amanda is living with him and his wife. Patrick has to take a hard decision between living Amanda with Doyle, who was giving her a happy life with all of a childs needs, or take her back to her mother, who is a drug addict, and does not take care of Amanda, her biological daughter. According to Kant’s doctrine, the first premise Doyle made a decision based on the good, and not in the right. He was immoral because he did not respect his duty. His obligation as a policeman was to resolve the life of Amanda, or any child in the same situation. instead to keep her with t We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics in Gone Baby Gone specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics in Gone Baby Gone specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics in Gone Baby Gone specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Monday, November 25, 2019

Ancient war ships and Ancient merchant ships essays

Ancient war ships and Ancient merchant ships essays Before there were ships, man had been using boats for many centuries before them. The earliest ships date from about before 3000 B.C. Ancient warships and ancient merchant vessels were made quite differently. Their basic structure, shape and method of propulsion were different. The reason for theyre being that way was that they served different purposes. Warships were clearly constructed mainly for raiding or defending their territory. Merchant ships on the other hand were made for transporting cargo. The ships were made using various shapes and sizes .Yet some materials remained the same, like hulls were always made of linen. With time, the purpose of the ship changed its physical appearance and its method of propulsion. Ancient warships and ancient merchant vessels slowly evolved over time, though in completely different directions. Merchant ships were developed differently than warships because they had to be cost effective and be able to stay at sea for long durations of time. They of course were bigger because more room was needed for storing cargo. The ships transported grain, olive oil, pottery, wine, and luxury items such as silk and spices. These were all important trading goods. The ships usually traveled at a very low speed of two miles per hour. The ships were slow because they had to rely on the wind for movement since they used sails and not oars. Sails have been from around 3000 B.C. Some problems occurred for ancient explorers if they had a ship limited to just sails, like when they were in a situation with no wind or needed rowing power. But it did work out a lot cheaper that way since there was no cost for men to row the oars. Still the plus point was that the ships were able to travel relatively long distances. Warships were generally long and narrow vessels. This shape was more practical for its purpose. These ships mostly did not use sails but used oars instead. Oars became common only after 3...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Educating Mobile Phone Users Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Educating Mobile Phone Users - Research Proposal Example Thus, the purpose of this analysis is to indirectly educate mobile phone users about the environs of mobile phone advertising. As a mobile phone user myself, I firmly believe that by systematically evaluating mobile phone advertising using two particular commercials, I can make users aware of the elements of mobile phone advertising. The audience of this study is expected to be fully aware of how fascinating elements of advertising can affect their decision in purchasing mobile phones. Thus, this will help them to be conscious of the psychological effects of advertising exaggerations and be more careful in purchasing mobile phones based only on their advertisements. Therefore, as a tentative thesis statement, it is expected that mobile phone advertisements dwell more on the enthrallment of owning a trendy mobile phone than on the people’s need to meet their multi-faceted needs via their mobile phone. (5) As this study aims to educate mobile phone users to be more careful in basing their decisions to purchase phones on advertisements, an editorial approach to this study is the most appropriate genre for this analysis. Some elements of writing a review may be used, as this will help the researcher to specifically focus on the two advertisements. However, an editorial will make this study relevant to mobile phone users as it will link the reviews of two advertisements on the aspects to consider in indulging one’s self to believe in mobile phone advertisements. Although the study will not be a sheer criticism, it will consist of the researcher’s view on the importance of mobile phone advertising awareness in order to effectively decide in purchasing mobile phones.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

MEDICAL ERROR AND PREVENTION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MEDICAL ERROR AND PREVENTION - Research Paper Example This followed a declaration made in 2007 by the Federal Centre for Medical and Medicaid services (CMS) denying settlement of Medicaid funds for treatment of preventable errors (Armitage, 2009). This paper explores sources of medical errors and their prevention among heath workers. According to the Quality Interagency Coordination Task Force, a medical error is â€Å"the failure of an intended action to be accomplished as planned or use of an incorrect plan to achieve an aim† (Armitage, 2009). Thus, errors can result from wrongful practice, procedures, products, or systems applied by a health professional or institution on a patient. This definition of medical errors define the three dimensions of patient’s safety namely error prevention, visibility of errors and effect mitigation. Medication errors occur most commonly in administering prescribing (U.S. Department of Education, 2011). Common errors include: There are two classes of medical errors namely active and latent errors. Active errors occur at individual level and, have instant results while latent are errors results from system or operation failure. Thus, the effects of a latent error may not be visible immediately but have long-term impacts on the society. Emotional Status – Emotional reactions such as anger, anxiety, boredom and fear often interferes with workers performance leading to medical errors. Emotional responses may result from over-work or negative attitudes. Hard-to-read handwriting- Medical workers have the most illegible handwriting, which contributes to medical errors. Fortunately, automated medication ordering has reduced the problem especially on prescription. Surgical errors have adverse effects on patients and, often lead to loss of life. They occur due to wrongful procedures, inappropriate sites, or surgical personnel. Studies conducted in Utah and Colorado hospitals indicated that surgical errors accounted for nearly 75% of observable medical

Monday, November 18, 2019

Reformation in England and Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reformation in England and Germany - Essay Example The revolt was gradual process which started during 12th century and was somewhat achieved in the 16th century with the great works of reformers and various sacrifices around the world. Martin Luther in one of his works 'Ninety Five Thesis' complained about the greed and corruption taking place in the Church and mailed this to local bishops to take action against such indulgences.( Luther initiated Protestant revolution and emphasized on private devotion rather than emotional experience of God. Lutheran ideas initially spread disarray, rebel among civilians as they believed that such religious dissent would bring civil war and spiritual danger. Lutheran ideas were gradually accepted as a revolt to put an end to Papacy of Rome. Various reformation movements took place in Germany in 1522 and 1524 which made a moderately impressed the rebellions. ( Peasants' War during 1524 was an attempt to put an end to economic suppression and papal diplomacy. Various meetings between the Lutheran reformers and Emperor and Roman Catholic did not yield any results.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Brief and Time-limited Therapy: Types and Effects

Brief and Time-limited Therapy: Types and Effects Brief Therapy – Promising or Abusive? Brief and time-limited therapy experienced much controversy about its usefulness before it has finally established itself as a valid form of therapy for certain patient populations while being accepted by most professionals in the field. Some therapists have even hailed brief therapy as having already filled the place of longer-term psychotherapy and having emerged as the 21st century’s preferred treatment (Carlson Sperry, 2000). This brief paper intends to investigate whether these assertions are acceptable or whether brief therapy should be rejected in favour of traditional longer-lasting intervention models. Definition and Characteristics of Brief Therapy Brief therapy is neither unequivocally defined nor represents a unity as demonstrated by Sperry (1989) who compared eight contemporary brief therapy models. He concluded that none of the investigated models would agree upon the ideal clients to treat, the ideal definition which decides over what is exactly comprised by the term brief and most importantly in the targets and aims for brief therapy (Manaster, 1989). The present paper will focus on these points and also emphasise the practical and ethical bases for brief therapy. Psychotherapy generally embraces a therapeutic negotiation which can last from a few months to a few years (brief vs. long-term therapy) although these therapeutic transactions may even take place after shorter periods of time during a therapeutic dialogue. Notwithstanding, there was for a long time the notion persisted among leading therapists that the longer a therapy endures the better the improvement experienced by the patient (Fiester and Rudestan, 1975). This belief, however, was neither backed up by scientific research nor by clinical experience. In contrast, recent research repeatedly and uniformly demonstrated that therapeutic interventions which are designed for shorter amount of sessions are more effective than longer lasting interventions (Sperry, 1989). As a result of these findings, brief therapy enjoyed greater popularity and it became necessary to finally formulate the brief therapy model more thoroughly. Thus, Koss and Shiang (1994) identified in the fourth edition o f the Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change the basic principles of brief therapy. They concluded that it involves around six general considerations that enable therapeutic processes to be brief: 1) time-limitation 2) focus on change over the client’s life span, 3) working alliance between counsellor and client, 4) therapists pro-activeness, directiveness, optimism, 5) flexibility of technique, 6) focus on termination issues (Nicoll, Bitter, Christensen, and Hawes, 2000; Bitter and Nicoll, 2004). Number of Treatment Sessions A fundamental and enduring discordance between idealised hypothesis and realisable practice involves the average number of treatment sessions undertaken by patients. Hansen, and colleagues (2002) discovered that the median number of treatment sessions in time-unlimited therapies is below seven. However, after having reviewed the literature it can be said that most definitions regard brief therapy as including at maximum 20 to 30 sessions while the numbers appear arbitrary. Most investigated interventions, however ranged from seven to 25 sessions (Sperry, 1989). Shulman (1989) notes that prior to the emergence of psychoanalysis the necessary time period for psychotherapy was not an issue. Nonetheless, by the time psychoanalysis indicated to be both popular and lengthy length of time required for successful psychoanalysis interventions became an issue. Ferenczi (1951) and Rank (1945) pioneered in finding new ways to reduce the treatment period. Consequently, Shulman (1989) defined brief therapy by the therapist’s endeavour to significantly improve the client’s condition in a short period of time while Gentry (1981) described brief therapy as emphasising on â€Å"current observable behaviour and social interaction.† Brief therapists, as a conclusion, excludes the exploration of childhood traumas and experiences as it is not intended to make the client aware of impact of past experiences upon current functioning. Thus the fundamental aspect of a brief therapy definition seems to be the focus on keeping therapy short and limited rather than specifying the maximum allowed amount of necessary time (Manaster, 1989). Limiting targets and time are the two ways which have been identified by therapists as making it possible to keep therapies as short as possible. Limiting targets involves reducing the attention to a specific resolution of an identifiable trouble or problem. This approach is characterised by under standing individuals in parts in such a form that it is possible to treat their crisis more briefly. Those who prefer a more holistic approach regard patients as more complex and believe that thus it is only feasible to treat solely superficial dilemmas and crises. Consequently, according to Evans (1989) it is very complicated to vindicate the limiting of targets in a holistically based therapeutic transaction (e.g. Individual Psychology). The matter of setting joint targets is important as clinicians often have different expectations about treatment results than their clients. Whilst most therapists attempt to succeed in achieving more complex and thorough treatment results most clients are normally requiring relief from psychotherapy (Beutler and Crago, 1987). As a matter of fact, the therapist should strive towards being professional, and thus, offer as many sessions as necessary. As a consequence of choice given to clients or economic and policy considerations, the norm in both Britain and America is that to undertake brief therapy in no more than about 25 sessions. The new trend, however, are currently so-called ultra-brief therapies which involve therapies of less than six sessions. Again, these ultra-brief therapies result due to treatment services and resource constraints. A few recent experiments have already tried to establish its usefulness. Copeland and colleagues (2001), for instance, contrasted one- and six-session cognitive-behavioural interventions aiming on clients to cease and maintain abstinent from cannabis usage and revealed that only the six-session group demonstrated observable decreased amounts of cannabis consumption relative to controls while one-session programmes resulted only in marginally significant reductions in cannabis usage. Brief Therapy Conditions (Referral, Contracts) As Randolph (1992) maintained â€Å"brief therapy is viewed as realistic and geared to the demands (and needs) of clients and not to the restraints of the market place† (p.159). In other words, brief therapies are more client-focused and centred in contrast to long-term therapies and therefore it is important to consider for which type of clients brief therapy is more meaningful and promises to be more effective. Hence, both referral out and in should be based upon cautious and thorough assessment of patient’ suitability for brief therapy. Most time-limited work takes place in settings and as a consequence involves more than the therapist alone. In essence, what is made available to the patient is usually determined on the applied exclusion and inclusion criteria. Additionally, the practising counsellor should be preferably the only person who decides over what exactly can be done to improve the patient’s condition, who is the ideal person to assess the present client and future patient and how the therapy has to be set up, contracted, conducted, and ceased. Due to limited resources it is not always possible to consider the client’s choice over what s/he desires to receive. Both prognosis of potential outcome and availability play mostly a more important role than the patient’s ideal therapy plan. There are no strict rules of how contracts have to be negotiated as they are very context specific. They can be arranged as Mander (2003) noted by â€Å"the therapeutic couple or by service managers who hold the purse strings and stipulate the number of sessions allowed.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Starting clients off will depend on whether they are ready to engage in an active working alliance and have sufficient trust to reveal at assessment the extent of the emotional crisis that has made them seek help.† (p.486-487). Although both parties generally agree on the fact that the therapy should remain brief it should be possible to arrange a prior or post-therapy referral-on when a serious problem and crisis has been discovered. This referral-on should be very flexible and could even include relocation and therapist change if necessary. It makes sense to regard brief therapy as a kind of pit-stop which has the power to update, re-energise and adjust the human minds vehicle while allowing the individual to come back to the repair station whenever it is neede d again. Thus clients can be accompanied by brief therapies from childhood to maturity. Self-evidently not everyone will be in need of constant check-ups and pit-stops as the majority of individuals will adapt and acquire skills to deal with the working-through processes independently. The therapist him or herself can view this service as similar to intermittent parenting of an individual (Mander, 2003). Despite the fact that some (e.g. Bitter and Nicoll, 1994) view the integration of time limits into the intervention programme as leading to both meeting and leaving people in the middle of their lives other researchers are of the opinion that it must be possible to extend the contract in a therapeutic alliance and that the counsellor must even feel free to transform a brief therapy into a long-term therapy. In a nutshell, in deciding who to treat, clinicians of different fields should aim to match their techniques, clinical experience and theory with patients who they evaluate as being ideal to be helped by this intervention model. Whitaker (1996) noted furthermore that some groups like students with disabling emotional problems should not be included in brief therapy programmes. Likewise, severe eating or personality illnesses or serious sexual perversion and severe alcohol and drug addiction are hardly curable in intensive but limited and brief therapeutic interactions. Cooper and Archer (1999) added that the clinical service mission and criteria for therapy must underlie a well-defined, unambiguous and clear assessment model like the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV). Suggestions for a Counsellor in Training Starting to practise as a brief therapist is both very challenging and rewarding. However it can also become difficult to constantly motivate oneself to continue if the desired outcomes do not become evident in the short available time. It is rewarding as one has the opportunity to see how patients’ conditions transform and improve in a short period of time whereas achieving set goals is certainly an uplifting and worthwhile experience. The real secret and difficulty for the beginning counsellor is, however, to know themselves perfectly and to not only be aware but also to tightly monitor one’s strengths and weaknesses. For example, â€Å"being able to bear the repeated hellos and goodbyes of brief therapy may depend on how the therapist has managed the meetings and partings in their own life, and their ability to focus on significant psychodynamic details will be a function of how they analyse their own life experience in terms of linking past and present†. (Mander, 2003; p.498). Without both it is rarely possibly to allow patients to move on when their contract has terminated. Discussing and being aware of transference helps additionally not to hanker about past clients while receiving and accepting new patients in need of brief therapy. It is debatable whether a young counsellor has already achieved a certain level of maturity which is necessary in order to accept imperfect rather than ideal treatment outcomes. Consequently, one must permanently be empowered to control for the balance in both the practitioner’s and patient’s expectations while being utterly optimistic that both expectations will be met. One has to constantly bear in mind that the client needs to leave the treatment sessions with a positive impression and feeling as a client will have to force and push him or herself real hard to ask for help the next time s/he needs therapeutic help again. Conclusion By setting targets and a time limit clients may feel that they are not imprisoned by the therapy but that an improvement of their condition is both in sight and tangible. This optimism unleashes positive energies which benefit the overall therapy. Additionally, patients may perceive for the first time that the therapy is more tailored to their own needs and that the therapist is not so much interested in the potential commercial benefits but is more concerned that the set goals are achieved in a brief period of time. The fact that clients may feel better understood enables a beneficial therapeutic relationship to develop which facilitates clients to come back after the brief therapy and attempt to tackle another experienced personal problem or crisis. References Bitter, J. R. and Nicoll, W. G. (2000). Adlerian Brief Therapy with individuals: process and practice. Journal of Individual Psychology, 56(1), p31-46. Bitter, J. R. and Nicoll, W. G. (2004). Relational strategies: two approaches to Adlerian Brief Therapy. Journal of Individual Psychology, 60(1), 42-66. Beutler, L., and Crago, M. (1987). Strategies and techniques of prescriptive psychotherapeutic intervention. In R. Hales and A. Frances (Eds.), Psychiatric updates: American psychiatric association annual review. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. Cooper, S. and Archer, Jr, J., (1999). Brief Therapy in college counselling and mental health. Journal of American College Health, 48(1). Copeland, J., S., Roffman, R., and Stephens, R. (2001). A randomized controlled trial of brief cognitive-behavioural interventions for cannabis use disorder. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 21, 55-64. Evans, T. D. (1989). Brief Therapy: the tradition of individual psychology compared to MRI. Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research Practice, 45(1/2), p48-57. Ferenczi, S. (1951). Further contributions to the theory and techniques of psychoanalysis. New York: Basic Books. Fiester, A. and Rudestan, K. (1975). A multivariate analysis of the early treatment dropout process. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 528-535. Garfield, S. (1986). Research on client variables in psychotherapy. In S. Garfield and A. Bergin (Eds.), Handbook of psychotherapy and behaviour change. New York: John Wiley Sons. Gentry, D. L. (1981). Brief therapy. In R. J. Corsini (Ed.), Handbook of innovative psychotherapies. New York: Wiley. Hansen, N. B., Lambert, M. J., and Forman, E. M. (2002). The psychotherapy dose-response effect and its implications for treatment delivery services. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 9, 329-343. Koss, M. P., and Shiang, J. (1984). Research on brief therapy. In A. E. Bergin and S. L. Garfield (Eds.), Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change (4th ed.). (pp. 664-700). New York: Wiley. Manaster, G. J. (1989). Clinical issues in Brief Psychotherapy: a summary and conclusion. Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research Practice, 45(1/2), 243-248. Mander, G. (2003). Dilemmas in Brief Therapy. Psychodynamic Practice, 9(4), 485-500. Nicoll, W. G., Bitter, J. R., Christensen, O. C., and Hawes, C. (2000). Adlerian brief therapy: Strategues and tactics. In J. Carlson and L. Sperry (Eds.), Brief therapy strategies with individuals and couples (pp. 220-247). Phoenix: Zeig/Tucker. Randolph, J. L. (1992). Brief Therapy: myths, methods, and metaphors. Health Social Work, 17(2), 159-160. Rank, O. (1945). Will therapy: truth and reality. New York: Knopf. Shulman, B. H. (1989). Some remarks on Brief Psychotherapy. Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research Practice, 45(1/2), 34-38. Sperry, L. (1989). Contemporary approaches to Brief Psychotherapy: a comparative analysis. Individual Psychology: Individual Psychology: The Journal of Adlerian Theory, Research Practice, 45(1/2), 3-26. Whitaker L. C. (1996). Treating students with personality disorders: a costly dilemma. J Coll Student Psychotherapy, 10(3), 29-44.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

The attack on Pearl Harbor in â€Å"1941, December 7† had been a life changing event for the people who had witnesses the attack and the people who were in the attack. But the whole nation had felt the sadness, anger, and other feelings that came from the attack on Pearl Harbor. In the attack there had been key players that been important to the attack either generals or pilots from the Japanese side or from the U.S military. There had been warning signs that could have prevented the surprise of the U.S Navy troops but many had either been too late or had been ignored. Many lives had been taken that day from both sides of the fight, from civilians in Hawaii to Japanese, â€Å"2,403 people died, 183planes destroyed, and 8 ships damaged or destroyed† that was just from the American side many other died from the Japanese side. The â€Å"†¦7 out of the 8 ships had been in battleship row†¦Ã¢â‚¬  many people died on the ships. The ships that had been damaged or de stroyed are†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ the USS West Virginia†¦USS Oklahoma†¦ the USS Arizona†¦USS California†¦ USS Maryland†¦USS Tennessee†¦USS Nevada†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and all except the USS California had been in battleship row. The people that had survived the attack had told of what it was like during the attack in such detail that nobody will forget that day. They told the story like it was yesterday, like they just can from the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7 1941. The different perspective of the attack could be seen as a success or a lost depending on the person who was there and experienced it. That day could never be forgotten like the 9/11 attacks that happen on November 9, 2001 so many emotions on that from the event that affected so many lives. Both of the attacks could be similar and different in some ways and could be view... ...urprised they were when we came and left so fast. On December 7, 1941 it was a day for the Japanese to remember as a victory and a day to be proud. What can we learn from the attack on Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 attack? There many things that is similar and different in both attacks and we can use these two events to help learn from our mistakes in the future. From both of the attacks we now know that something unexpected could happen at any time any day. In the Pearl Harbor attack there had been warning signs that could have prevented the surprise of the attack and the total number of death of civilians and people all together. But in the 9/11 attack the moment that the planes have been taken the fate of the people was almost sealed. From these two events we learned that the security of the nation needs to be more prepared for what might happen in the future.